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The 1st ICONISH 2021

These world challenges need a break from business as usual and require a new approach to fill the gaps: Islamic perspective.

International Conference on Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities is annual conference held by Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences, Universitas Islam Indonesia. It aims to connect academician, researchers as well as practitioners all over the world in enhancing our understanding of social science and religion, especially within Islamic perspective. 

Scientific Committee

Dr. Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat

Dr. Fuad Nashori
Dr. Phil. Emi Zulaifah
Mira Aliza Rachmawati
Dr. Phil. Qurotul Uyun
Dr.rer.nat. Arief Fahmie
Resnia Novitasari
Ida Nuraini Dewi K.N.
Irma Windy Astuti
Hariz Enggar Wijaya
Wahyu Arif Raharjo
Puji Rianto

Organizing Committee

Hangga Fathana

Annisa Miranty Nurendra
Enggar Furi Herdianto
Hariz Enggar Wijaya
Intan Pradita
Karina Utami Dewi
Puji Rahayu
Ratna Permatasari
Subhan Afifi
Willy Prasetya
Diana Rahma Qadari
Dwi Pranita
Mardiatul Khasanah
Widodo Hesti Purwantoro


All participants at the International Conferences on Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities must register online.